Open Access Policy
To maximize the reach and impact of its content, the 'International Journal of Current Research in Physiology and Pharmacology' has embraced an open access model. This approach includes the following key aspects:
Immediate and Free Access: All articles published in the journal are freely available online immediately after publication. They are presented in a reader-friendly format, with no need for subscription or registration, ensuring unrestricted access to the content.
Creative Commons License: The articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This allows for the sharing and adaptation of the articles, as long as proper credit is given, and the material is not used for commercial purposes. Full details of this license are available here.
Self-Archiving Policy: Authors are permitted to self-archive the final accepted version of their articles in any Open Archives Initiative (OAI)-compliant institutional or subject-based repository. This further increases the availability and visibility of their work.
Reserve of Rights: The journal reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of this agreement at its sole discretion. Continuous access to the journal will be regarded as an acceptance of any revised terms and conditions.
This open access policy is designed to ensure that valuable scientific research in Physiology and Pharmacology is widely disseminated, easily accessible, and can have a greater impact in the scientific community and beyond.