Plagiarism Policy
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines plagiarism as follows: "Plagiarism ranges from the unreferenced use of other's published and unpublished ideas, including research grant applications, to submission under "new" authorship of a complete paper, sometimes in a different language. [1]
World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) defines plagiarism as; "The use of others published and unpublished ideas or words and or other intellectual property without attribution or permission, and presenting them as new and original rather than derived from an existing source." [2]
Our policies:
- Intentional /Unintentional plagiarism is not acceptable in anyways in the submissions with a zero-tolerance attitude
- If plagiarism is detected during the peer review process, the manuscript may reject it uprightly. The manuscript has worth publishing in terms of new ideas, but with a significant amount of plagiarism, it is encouraged to rewrite and resubmit.
- If plagiarism detected post-publication, it might issue for correction/retract the article.
- Our journal uses the guidelines outlined in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
- If plagiarism is identified, we will follow /uses COPE guidelines
- Sumathi Publications uses Urkund/Turnitin plagiarism software to screen for originality,
- Before initiating the review process, every article will be screened with plagiarism check software. If we find plagiarism between 5% to 30%, the manuscript will be sent to the author for corrections. Articles with more than 30% of plagiarism, will be rejected, and the authors will be advised to resubmit the article with revisions.
- Our publishers may have the rights to inform to author's institutions about plagiarism/misconduct
Before initiating the review process, articles will be screened with plagiarism check software. If we find plagiarism between 5% to 30%, the manuscript will be sent to the author for corrections. Articles with more than 30% plagiarism, will be rejected, and the authors will be advised to resubmit the article with revisions.
Please visit for: COPE guidelines, Flowcharts:
1. Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Available from
2. WAME Publication Ethics Policies for Medical Journals. Available from